Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finals Are Final!

Yes I have neglected this blog and I apologize! Finals and school just took over and left me with very little time to do much else. I had procrastinated planning a preschool week on pumpkins and had to rush to complete it. Overall though my semester went great and I was very pleased with my grades. I am also so happy that the snow decided to hold off until I made it back home. I love Christmas but winter really isn't my favorite season but I would much rather watch the snow fall from the comfort of my house than while walking up an icy hill of death. It is great being home and now I get to spend my time exercising on the Wii Fit! It actually can be a fairly good workout. I am also thrilled to announce that I will be going to NEW YORK this summer to participate in the Hill Cumorah Pageant! I found out last week and couldn't be more excited for this incredible opportunity. Well this is about it for now, I promise that I am going to try and be better at up keeping the blog. Especially as next semester I embark on my preschool experience in college! How great is that?
Roommate Christmas 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkins, Paint, and Punting!

Lots of "P" activities in my life recently! I have been having a lot of fun lately, I can't really remember everything that has gone on. But my very kind roommate let me put some pictures on here computer so now I can actually have pictures :) We went street painting for Homecoming and that was a blast, not so fun to clean up after but fun during the moment. Later that week me and my roomate had a hay day with pumpkins. I am doing a "virtual" preschool lesson plan on pumpkins but it has got me excited about them. So we carved a pumpkin, cooked a pumpkin to make pumpkin puree, roasted the seeds, and painted a pumpkin all in one night. The next morning I made some pumpkin pancakes it was fun! Then on Saturday we went to a very depressing football game. The Aggies had done SO well and we thought they had pulled off a comeback but then to depress the whole crowd the other team kicked a 57 yard field goal in the LAST 2 SECONDS! It was crazy but still fun and a beautiful day. The last picture is an old one from Peach Days in Brigham City with 1/2 of the roomates! Overall things are busy but still going well....I am just trying to figure out what I am going to be doing in the next few months to next year, there are so many possibilities. Oh and a couple other points of great interest I just fell in love with an amazing shake from Charlie's in Logan--chocolate mint, it is divine, our family now owns a wii very fun and I am going to get wii fit except it is in Spanish Fork and I am not, and that is about all!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Come what may, and love it!

Well I decided to write a new blog because it has been a little while and I found myself with some extra hours in the night, a rare occurrence! First off I have to mention conference because it was incredible. I know that Heavenly Father directs what He wants us to hear by His prophets. The message that stuck out to me is that He knows we are all going through hard times and that it is challenging but that He loves and won't leave us alone, what a comfort that is. In other aspects of my life things are going really well. I have found that college for me is an isolation/socialization battle. Many of the activities that take most of my time are all in isolation studying, working, exercising [which doesn't take most of my time unfortunately :)] Yet I have to try and remain connected and have a "social life" just interesting. Also I have had this weird occurrence lately with bugs flying in my face/mouth. It has been really strange like I have had 3 in the past few weeks just a random little thing. Wow this is all really random, oh well such is life! I am going to go prepare myself for midnight margaritas with the roommates don't worry no real alcohol involved.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Mafia to the Extreme!

I figure that this little game deserves it's own post on my blog because it has been in my life a lot lately. On Friday I got invited to play extreme mafia, I didn't really know what that was but I was excited. I have always enjoyed the game of mafia but this sounded even more intense. We drove out to this house that was somewhat older and began the journey. We started out meeting some really cool new people. As they started explaining the game to us I realized that it was a lot like murder in the dark, which I had played just last weekend and quite frankly it really scares me, I don't really like the dark. All of the windows were covered and we were given a tour of the house. You start out drawing cards with one or two people being the murders. Then all of the lights go off and the murder has to wait at least 5 seconds and then they can start killing. They then use their hand to slit your throat (I know kind of graphic). You were then officially dead and had to just sit there. If you manage to stay alive you have to go around finding people and asking them if they are dead or not. If you find a dead person you get to a light switch as fast as possible and yell dead body but you can be killed in the process. Then if the lights go on everyone comes together for a town meeting and votes another person off, just like real mafia. We played this for like 2 hours!!! It was a blast, and I wasn't as scared because there were so many people that there was almost always at least someone else in the room, oh and to top it all off they had somewhat scary music playing during the whole game. Then I went to a Sunday dessert night and while there we played regular old mafia which was also fun but not quite as exciting. All in all I probably died like 8 times this weekend :) It was a FANTASTIC weekend in Logan!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Drip Drip Drop

Well I decided that I would write about the weather, kind of lame but exciting to me. I love the rain and so when I woke up this morning and saw the clouded over day it made me very happy. The only down thing about it was that I couldn't just stay home in my pajamas watch a good movie, take a nap, and then read a good book instead I had to hike the hill at 7:30 a.m. I really think they should require that you must stay home on rainy days. Then to make it even better the sun came out in the afternoon and it was just beautiful. Nature is awesome and I am amazed how much God loves us to display such beauty. As far as the lightening picture goes it doesn't really relate other than the fact that I like lightening and felt that my blog needed a picture and since I am having a hard time adding one of my own, because they are all at home, I decided this was pretty cool. I found it using cooliris which you should all download and try, it is way sweet! As far as school goes it is doing just that, going. I have reached the lesson plan phase in my life it feels like I have some sort of lesson plan due in every class which is to be expected I suppose.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Everyday Heros

Cheesy I know, but so true! Well I have wanted to blog about something today but just haven't been able to think of anything. I have spent way too much time checking the blog thinking of something to post about and then of course it hit me at what better time than---midnight! Oh the life of a college student....anyway so then I started to write about this topic and the computer killed three times, I really must not be meant to write, oh well here it goes. I was able to spend some great bonding time with a friend today and we ended up talking about some trials I have gone through and she just listened and then didn't pity me or act differently towards me, that sounds weird but really it meant so much. When people listen, care, and just accept you as yourself with no stipulations and they let the friendship just run how it should it makes such a difference. I don't know maybe it is late and that doesn't make sense but I just felt like I couldn't go without saying something. There are so many awesome people in this world and I feel that my bucket is overflowing with them, honestly. It is also always incredible to me to how people come into my life that just fit perfectly like that they were always supposed to be there and that I knew them before. Crazy cool if you ask me. So this is my shoutout to all of those everyday heros, those people that keep me sane and love me for who I am no matter what! THANK YOU!

Monday, September 8, 2008


To all of my Instructional Technology friends I switched my blog address for this class so if you would please remove this one from your google reader that would be awesome! To do this just go to where everyone's blogs are listed and there is a place at the bottom that says manage subscriptions, click on that and it should take you to a yellow list where you can click on this blog, http://whit-anne.blogspot.com and delete it by clicking on the garbage can. Then go back to google reader and add this new address http://whitsinst4010.blogspot.com. Sorry about the hassle but I really appreciate it!