Monday, September 22, 2008

Drip Drip Drop

Well I decided that I would write about the weather, kind of lame but exciting to me. I love the rain and so when I woke up this morning and saw the clouded over day it made me very happy. The only down thing about it was that I couldn't just stay home in my pajamas watch a good movie, take a nap, and then read a good book instead I had to hike the hill at 7:30 a.m. I really think they should require that you must stay home on rainy days. Then to make it even better the sun came out in the afternoon and it was just beautiful. Nature is awesome and I am amazed how much God loves us to display such beauty. As far as the lightening picture goes it doesn't really relate other than the fact that I like lightening and felt that my blog needed a picture and since I am having a hard time adding one of my own, because they are all at home, I decided this was pretty cool. I found it using cooliris which you should all download and try, it is way sweet! As far as school goes it is doing just that, going. I have reached the lesson plan phase in my life it feels like I have some sort of lesson plan due in every class which is to be expected I suppose.


Jewls said...

Whit I am so excited that you have a blog! You are so cute and I just love you to pieces! P.S. That picture of lightning is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

i love the rain as well. i also love the title of your blog. jealous that i didn't think of it first. hope to see you soon.